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Essence Of Change

Autumn Seasonal Set - for Wisdom

Autumn Seasonal Set - for Wisdom

Regular price $54.70 AUD
Regular price $74.40 AUD Sale price $54.70 AUD
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The Essence of Change Autumn Set features 1 flower essence for adapting to the changing environment, and 2 gem essences for grounding.

Autumn is a time for reflection. A time for some deep soul searching. So much has happened in the past year, both disruptions and successes. Reflect on those things that worked, and what didn’t work for you. What are your intentions for the future year? Where are you focusing your attention?

Remember, the essence of change is action. Decide what you want in your life… and take some action to move towards it.

The Autumn Seasonal Set includes:

Hydrangea Essence – Wisdom and experience. Ideal for the post-menopausal women, to help acknowledge your strength, endurance, and wisdom. No longer needing to make a bold statement, this essence chooses a quieter identity that harmonises with the changing surroundings.

Rutilated Quartz Essence – This gem essence is for promoting physical healing, stability, and overall wellness. It has a gentle, nurturing, and protective energy that can help soothe and heal the body. It repairs and stabilises your auric field in a chaotic environment.

Amethyst Essence – A protection remedy for the coming winter winds. Amethyst strengthens the immune system and speaks of new beginnings, offering protection for your deep thoughts of transformation.


  • Each Essence is presented in a 25mL glass amber bottle with a dropper

Ideal for

  • Kinesiologists, Naturopaths, and other natural therapy practitioners for use in your clinic. Prepare blends into dosage bottles for your clients to assist them with their specific needs. 
  • This set is a great choice for individuals who wish to regain their balance and/or support family and friends. Explore the use of vibrational remedies to promote your overall health and wellness, emotional balance, and mental clarity.


How to Use

General Use: Add 3-5 drops of Essence into 1/2 a glass of water and consume twice a day or as needed. Practitioner Use: Add 7 drops of Essence to a dosage bottle.

Autumn Ritual: add 3 drops Hydrangea + 1 drop Rutilated Quartz + 1 drop Amethyst into 1/2 glass of water


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